Remington James :: Seven Years Old

My sweet Remy is seven years old today.  It’s incredible how quickly time seems to be flying now that we have three precious babes here.  I mean, time is exponentially faster and it’s truly the most wonderful and most heartbreaking thing to experience.  I was talking to Remy this morning about when he was a baby.  I didn’t know if he was my last and final baby or not, but in those moments of him as a baby (most of which are a blur because of course I was running after a toddler at the same time) I wanted to keep him in that time capsule forever.  He was the happiest baby!  Always smiling!

When he started walking and talking, then started going to school, he was so close in age with Bennett, it seemed like they were experiencing all of the same things together as a team.  He has always been the most thoughtful and caring, he feels all of the feels.  He has some close buddies that he enjoys spending time with he loves playing legos and Santa brought him a Nintendo Switch so now he is a “gamer” lol.  He still does martial arts twice a week and little league baseball.  For birthdays this year, we decided that the boys can chose a friend and go have a fun day together wherever they want around town.  Remy decided he wants to go to Legoland, so on Friday that’s what we will be doing!  He is pumped!  



Remy James,

Goodness gracious, you are so handsome!  Look how much you have grown this past year?!?  You are getting so tall, you have so many new teeth that I’m sure daddy cannot wait to get his hands on, and that personality… whew, giving me a run for my money ! 

You still have such a sensitive soul.  You get very disappointed when things don’t go the way you had imagined it would in your head.

You love your baby sister SO much!  You look after her and try hard to keep her from falling or hurting herself.  You play so sweetly with her and take her out to the trampoline to jump with her.  You make her giggle more than anyone!

At school you are excelling, making friends, and working hard.  Your teacher lets me know that you are always focused and never disturbing the class.  You mind your manners and are social when recess and lunch rolls around :)… not surprising!

I’m so proud of you, sweet boy!  I hope you are having a fantastic birthday!  Can’t wait to eat the ice cream cake we made together!

I love you more than you know,


Bennett Wesley :: Eight Years Old





Eight years old.  EIGHT! How on earth do I have an eight year old?!?  Two more years and he is double digits!

This weekend we celebrated Bennett’s birthday at the trampoline park with his buddies from school.
He woke up, willingly took a shower, fixed his hair, and even put on deodorant (which is new for him).  I knew he was excited.  If you know Bennett, it’s hard to know what he is feeling, he is a boy of very few words and emotions, unless its sports related, in which case he can talk and analyze for hours.  It was a Bucs themed party, we all wore our Bucs gear, he played, we sang, ate lots of cake- he had the best time.  I swear he was on cloud nine the rest of the day!

My sweet Bennett,

There are so many things that make me so proud of you, but the last few months, watching you become a big BIG brother again has been the most rewarding.  You are so in love with Baby Sister Ellie, and so helpful to Mommy, it’s so fun to watch.  You will bounce her endlessly, fetch diapers, feed her, burp her… all the things.  You make her giggle and quiet her with ease.  I am going to love experiencing this relationship grow over the years…

I love that you still give me a kiss even in front of all your school friends, not too cool for me yet!  I also love that you still hold my hand, yes I have to be the one to initiate, but you do not put up a fight and that makes my heart so happy.  You are SO smart and independent and boy have you gotten good at baseball :).

I am so blessed to be your Mama.  I love you so much.

Happy 8th Birthday!
